As Seen on Fox 11: Grilling Verlasso Salmon

Naturally grazed, pin-raised off of Chilean Patagonia Verlasso Salmon is such a tasty, fresh choice for spring and summer barbecuing.
Located deep in the southern hemisphere, Chilean Patagonia offers the perfect environment for sustainable aquaculture. Featuring vast stretches of clean, cold, crystal clear water and strong ocean currents, the region is the perfect natural habitat for raising the finest farmed salmon.
The trick to keeping your fish together on the grill is make sure your grill is super hot, and oil your fish right before you grill it.
Learn how to cut the fish, too.
Pull out the pin bones and check the eye color to make sure they’re clear. The gills are important too (it’s the first thing people take out when the fish gets old).
Thank you to Sierra Meat & Seafood for the beautiful fish!