As Seen on Fox 11: Must-Have Kitchen Tools for the Chef in You

These kitchen tools can help advance your cooking and make it way easier. Watch the segment.
Here are the 10 tools that Colin uses every day, all day:
High quality scooper – for dough, sides, etc.
Metal measuring spoons – get a sturdy set with strong a linkage on them, and also a set where the spoons are and easy to separate
High temperature spatula – when you’re cooking you can leave it on the pot
Paint brush – for your all your washes; egg washes and oils
Thermometer – this is a vital tool! Don’t overcook your prime rib
Citrus Press – as you start to cook a lot, gets more juice out of any lemon
Zester – for lemons, oranges, garlic, ginger, etc.
Fish spatula – lets all the oil and fat out and gets under the fish without tearing it up
Wooden spoon – used for many things in the kitchen!
Tomato corer – scoop the top out and seeds come out
Knives – there are many different levels and price points. If you’re a beginner, make sure you purchase an introductory set of knives. The more advance the cook, the more expensive the knives will be. You basically need two knives: a chef’s knife and serrated bread knife
Plastic squeeze bottle with nozzle – sauces, dressing, anything you want to make pretty; Colin also puts the salt in there, and cuts the top of the nozzle off
Mandolin – for beautiful cuts; there are different types of adjustments to make your food presentable. You can slice French fries, serrated waffle fries, veggies, etc. It’s the tool that makes your food more “chefly” without worrying about your knife skills
Chinos – fine strainer for all your straining of veggies, stocks, etc.
Sous Vide – this is awesome for immersion blending (a simple cooking technique in which food is cooked in precisely controlled, low-temperature water)